John Nalbandian
Curriculum Vitae
December 2018
Professor Emeritus
School of Public Affairs & Administration
University of Kansas
1445 Jayhawk Blvd., 4060 Wescoe Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045-3177

Ph.D., Public Administration, 1977
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
M.A., International Relations, 1967
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
B.A., International Relations, 1965
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Minor: Economics
Study Abroad, Cambridge University, Summer 1964
Certificate of Attendance
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
- Professor Emeritus, School of Public Affairs and Administration, University of Kansas, 2014-present
- Chair, Department of Public Administration, 2000-2007; 1984-1988
- Professor, Department of Public Administration/School of Public Affairs and Administration, 1991-2014
- Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, 1981-1991
- Associate Chair, Department of Political Science, 1981-1983
- Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, 1976-1981
- Coordinator, MPA Health Management Concentration, 1976-1980
- Director Edwin O. Stene Graduate Program in Public Administration, Department of Political Science, 1983-1984
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Instructor, School of Public Administration, September 1975 - July 1976
- Assistant Dean, School of Public Administration, March 1975 - September 1975
- Assistant to Associate Dean, School of Public Administration, October 1974 - February 1975
Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC
- Intelligence Analyst, 1970-1971
U.S. Army
- Lieutenant, Infantry, 1967-1970, detached to Central Intelligence Agency, 1969-1970
- American Society for Public Administration
- International City/County Management Association
- International Public Management Association-Human Resources
Individual Honors/Awards
- Book Review of the Year (2016). Awarded by the journal Public Integrity. For review of Public Participation in the 21st Century. Matt Leighninger and Tina Nabatchi
- Regional Leadership Award (2016). Awarded by the Mid America Regional Council, Kansas City
- Lifetime Award, Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Relations, American Society for Public Administration, 2014.
- Courtesy Professor of Practice, Virginia Tech University. (Fall 2012 - present)
- Invited to consult with the Center for Public Policy and Administration Certificate Program in Local Government
- International Scholar, Higher Education Support Program, Open Societies Programs, Soros Foundation. (Fall 2012 - Fall 2013); worked with Yerevan State Linguistics University at Brusov and mentored four university scholars. International Scholars are selected to work with Universities in former Soviet republics to build their higher education capacity as faculty members.
- Academic Public Administrator of the Year, Greater Kansas City Chapter, American Society for Public Administration. (Fall 2012)
- Chancellor's Club Career Teaching Award, University of Kansas Chancellor's Club, Endowment Association. (Fall 2012)
- KU Center for Teaching Excellence, Graduate Teaching, Center for Teaching Excellence. (Spring 2012) Selected by graduate students
- Men of Merit, University of Kansas Emily Taylor Center for Women and Gender Equity. (Spring 2012)
- Charles H. Levine Award, awarded jointly by the American Society for Public Administration and the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration. (2010) Award for research, teaching, and service
- Steeples Award, University of Kansas. (2010) Award for service to Kansans
- Greg and Emma Melikian Visiting Scholar of Urban Affairs, Arizona State University. (2007-2010)
- Buford Watson, Jr. Public Service Award, Lawrence, Kansas, Chamber of Commerce. (2008) With Carol Nalbandian
- Kemper Teaching Award, University of Kansas. (2008)
- Lifetime Member, Chancellors Club. (2008-present)
- Co-Educator of the Year, presented by the National Forum for Black Public Administrators. (2007) With Carol Nalbandian
- Public Administrator of the Year, presented by the Kansas Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration. (2007)
- Book of the year in Public Human Resources Management, awarded by American Society for Public Administration, Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Relations. (2002) Awarded for 5th edition of Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies, Donald E. Klingner and John Nalbandian, 2002. (Translated into Chinese and Spanish)
- Excellence in Teaching Award, National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration. (1997)
- Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration. Inducted in 1997
- Distinguished Elected Official, Kansas Recreation and Parks Association. (1995)
- Honorary Member, Golden Key National Honor Society. (1994)
- Honorary Member, International City and County Management Association. (1994)
- Honorary Member, Kansas University Public Administration Alumni Association. (1991)
- Article of the Year, "Contemporary Role of City Managers," American Review of Public Administration, Volume 19. (1989)
- Academic Public Administrator of the Year, Awarded by Greater Kansas City Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration. (Spring 1989)
- Stephen B. Sweeney Award for Excellence in Local Government Education, International City Management Association. (Spring 1988)
- Teaching Excellence Award, School of Public Administration, University of Southern California. (1975-1976)
- Phi Beta Kappa. (1965)
- Llorens, Klingner, and Nalbandian. (2018) Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies (7th ed.). Taylor and Francis.
- Klingner, D., Nalbandian, J., & Llorens, J. (2010). Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies (6th ed.). Prentice Hall. Earlier edition reprinted into Spanish as La Administratracion del Personal Publico: Contextos y Estrategias. Mexico City: McGraw Hill Interamericana/UNAM/IAPEM/INAP/UAEMEX (2001); Reprinted in Chinese (2001); 6th edition in 2010. Selected as Public Human Resources Management book of the year by the Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Relations, American Society for Public Administration, 2002
- Nalbandian, J. (1991). Professionalism in Local Government: Transformations in Roles, Responsibilities and Values. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
- Nalbandian, J., & Davis, R. G. (Eds.). (1987). Reflections of Local Government Professionals. Department of Public Administration. Department of Public Administration, University of Kansas. With assistance of Sandra Lizarraga
- Nalbandian, J. (2012). Context, Challenge, Ethics, and Opportunity. In J. Marlowe & J. R. Bartle & W. B. Hildreth (Eds.), International City/County Management Green Book Series. Management Policies in Local Government Finance. Date Submitted: (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J., & Negron, S. (2008). Defining Facilitative Leadership: A View from Inside the Mayor’s Office in Lawrence, KS. In J. S. Svara (Ed.), Facilitative Leadership (2nd ed.). Based on my own experiences as mayor, this chapter provides an introspective yet analytical look at political leadership in council-manager local government. A version of this chapter is reprinted in The Journal of Kansas Civic Leadership Development. Fall 2009, Vol. 1, No. 2.
- Nalbandian, J. (2007). Professionals and the Conflicting Forces of Administrative Modernization and Civic Engagement. In R. Hambleton & J. S. Gross (Eds.), Governing Cities in a Global Era. Urban Innovation, Competition and Democratic Reform. New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Nalbandian, J. (1993). The Future of Professional Management. In E. Flentje (Ed.), Selected Solely Upon the Basis of Administrative Ability (pp. 131-139). Wichita State University. (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J. (1992). A New Professionalism in City Management. In R. B. Denhardt & W. H. Stewart (Eds.), Executive Leadership in the Public Service (pp. 137-152). Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
- Nalbandian, J. (1989). Professionalism in City Management: A New Beginning. In H. G. Frederickson (Ed.), Ideal and Practice in Council-Manager Government. Washington, DC: International City Management Association.
- Nalbandian, J. (1980). The Impact of Competence and Power on Educational Program Design. In E. Byrne & D. Wolfe (Eds.), Experiential Learning in Professional Education: A New Direction for Experiential Learning (pp. 57-65). Jossey Bass.
- O’Neill, Robert, Jr., and John Nalbandian (2018). Change, Complexity and Leadership Challenges. Public Administration Review. 78(2), 311-314. This piece summarizes the “gap” concept, presents the leadership challenges associated with the gap, and then briefly describes several leadership attributes necessary to deal with the challenges. (invited and refereed)
- Sylvia, C., Getha-Taylor, H., Hummert, R. G., & Nalbandian, J. (2013). Competency Model Design and Assessment: Findings and Future Directions. Journal of Public Administration Education, 19(1), 141-171. http://www.naspaa.org/jpaemessenger/Article/VOL19-1/10_Getha_Taylor_et_al.pdf
- Nalbandian, J., O'Neill, Jr., R., Wilkes, M., & Kaufman, A. (2013). Contemporary Trends in Local Government: Evolving Roles and Responsibilities, Structures, and Processes. Public Administration Review, 73(4), 567-575. (Invited and refereed). In this article we introduce the notion of the gap between political acceptability and administrative sustainability as the essential prerequisite to good governance. Included is identification of forces widening the gap and also the resulting leadership challenges.
- Nalbandian, J. (2006). Politics and Administration in Local Government. International Journal of Public Administration, 29, 1049-1063. (Invited) This article provides a nice summary of my work to 2006. It provides the intellectual base for a workshop I do on council-staff partnership.
- Nalbandian, J. (2005). Contemporary Professionals and the Conflicting Forces of Administrative Modernization and Civic Engagement. American Review of Public Administration, lead article (refereed). For me, this was an important article setting out contemporary themes. The content provides the intellectual base for the workshop I do on contemporary trends.
- Nalbandian, J., & Marlowe, J. (2005). Knowledge Work and Local Government: Insights from an Expert: Interview with Bob Kipp. State and Local Government Review, 37(3), 250-255.
- Nalbandian, J. (2004). Politics and Administration in Council-Manager Government: Differences between Newly Elected and Senior Council Members. Public Administration Review, 64(2), 200-208.(refereed) http://hdl.handle.net/1808/597 http://hdl.handle.net/1808/597 In this article I surveyed and then interviewed council members in the Kansas City area to see how their attitudes towards governing changed over time.
- Nalbandian, J., & Nalbandian, C. (2003). Meeting Today's Challenges: Competencies for the Contemporary Local Government Professional. Public Administration Review, 11-15. (Refereed) http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu
- Nalbandian, J., & Nalbandian, C. (2002). Contemporary Challenges in Local Government. Public Management, lead article. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu Reprinted in National Civic Review, spring 2003.
- Nalbandian, J., Klingner, D. E., & Romzek, B. S. (2002). Politics, Administration and Markets. American Review of Public Administration, 32, 117-144. (Refereed) Lead article. Also appears in Reforma y Democracia.
- Nalbandian, J. (1999). Facilitating Community, Enabling Democracy: New Roles for Local Government Managers. Public Administration Review, 59. (Refereed) http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu. Lead article. Reprinted in Balanoff, H. R. (Ed.), Public Administration: Annual Editions 01/02. Guilford, CT: McGraw Hill, 2001, pp. 45-54.
- Nalbandian, J. (1994). Reflections of a 'Pracademic' on the Logic of Politics and Administration. Public Administration Review, 54. (Refereed) Reprinted as "Politics, Administration and the City Manager," in Second Edition of Frederickson's Ideal and Practice in Council-Manager Government, Washington, DC: International City Management Association, 1995, pp. 84-96. Excerpted and reprinted in Virginia Town and City, published by the Virginia Municipal League, Vol 29, No. 7 (July 1994)
- Nalbandian, J. (1990). Tenets of Contemporary Professionalism in Local Government. Public Administration Review, 50, 654-663. (Refereed) Reprinted in Frederickson, Ideal and Practice in Council-Manager Government (2nd ed.), Washington, DC: International City Management Association, 1995, pp. 157-174.
- Nalbandian, J. (1989). The Contemporary Role of City Managers. American Review of Public Administration, 19, 261-278. (Refereed) Selected as ARPA best article in volume 19.
- Nalbandian, J. (1989). The Supreme Court's 'Consensus' on Affirmative Action. Public Administration Review, 49, 38-45. (Refereed) Reprinted in Banaloff (ed.). Annual Editions: Public Administration 1990-1991. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Company; reprinted in Denhardt and Barry (eds.). Public Administration in Action. Brooks/Cole, 1991.
- Nalbandian, J. (1988, January/February). Local Government Professionals under Stress: In Pursuit of Economic Development, Efficiency, and Equity. Public Administration Review, 48, 588-591. (Invited) An invited book review essay
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1987). Values and Conflict in Public Personnel Administration. Public Administration Quarterly, 11, 17-33. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J. (1985). Human Relations and Organizational Change: Responding to Loss. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 6, 29-43. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J., & Edwards, J. T. (1983). The Professional Values of Public Administration: A Comparison with Lawyers, Social Workers, and Business Administrators. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 4, 1-11. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1983). Human Resource Administration and Cutback Management: A Symposium Introduction. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 4, 114-127. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J., & Denhardt, R. B. (1982). Teaching Public Administration as a Vocation: A Calling for Theorists. Southern Review of Public Administration, 6, 151-162.
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1981). The Politics of Public Personnel Administration: Towards a Theoretical Understanding. Public Administration Review, 41, 541-549. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J., Edwards, J. T., & Wedel, K. (1981). Individual Values and Professional Education: Implications for Practice and Education. Administration and Society, 13, 123-143. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J. (1981). Performance Appraisal: If Only People Were Not Involved. Public Administration Review, 41, 392-396. (Refereed)
- Reprinted in Thompson, F. (ed.), Classics in Public Personnel Policy. Oak Park, IL: Moore Publishing Company, 1990
- Nalbandian, J. (1981). From Compliance to Consultation: The Changing Role of the Public Personnel Administrator. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 1, 37-51. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J. (1980). The Professional Public Administrator: Politician or Not? The Bureaucrat, 9, 38-41.
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1980). Integrating Context and Decision Strategy in Public Personnel Administration: A Contingency Theory Approach. Administration and Society, 12, 178-202. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J. (1980). The Hopes, Values and Fears of Public Administration Students. Public Management, 70, 21-22. (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J. (1980). Teaching Graduate Students in Public Administration: Confronting Student and Instructor Self-Doubts. Teaching Political Science, 7, 231-240.
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1978). Personnel Management by Whose Objectives. Public Administration Review, 38, 366-372. (Refereed)
- Reprinted as theoretical chapter in Klingner's Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies. Prentice Hall, 1980; Reprinted in Klingner (ed.), Public Personnel Management: Readings in Contexts and Strategies. Mayfield, 1981.
- Nalbandian, J. (2016, August). [Review of book Public Participation in 21st Century Democracy], Tina Nabatchi and Matt Leighninger. Public Integrity. Recognized by editors as book review of the year.
- Nalbandian, J. (2005, February). [Review of the book Collaborative Public Management: New Strategies for Local Government, Robert Agranoff and Michael McGuire]. Journal of Politics, 67(1), 283-285.
- Nalbandian, J. (2004). [Review of the book Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity, David Whyte]. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 24(1), 79-82.
- Nalbandian, J. (2003, December). [Review of the book Good to Great, Jim Collins]. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 23(4), 346-349.
- Nalbandian, J. (1998, October). A Framework for Change [Review of the book Changing Public Sector Values, Montgomery Van Wart]. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 8(4), 617-623.
- Nalbandian, J., & Maynard-Moody, S. (1986, March). [Review of the book Public Personnel Update, Michael Cohen and Robert Golembiewski (eds.)]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 31, 138-140.
- Nalbandian, J. (2016, January/February). High Performance Local Government: A Memorandum to Managers. Public Management.
- Nalbandian, J. (2013, November 17). Dallas Needs and Adaptive City Manager Not an Heroic One. Opinion Editorial published in the Dallas Morning News.
- Quirk, B., & Nalbandian, J. (2012). The Trust Deficit. Public Management, 94(August), 18. (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J., & O'Neill, B. (2009). Charter Reform: Ways to Think about It. Public Management, lead article. This article sets out various questions and the tradeoffs that should be considered when contemplating change in form of government. It was published to coincide with the Eldon Fields Colloquium at the 2009 International City/County Management Association's annual meeting.
- Nalbandian, J., & Novak, J. (2009). Preparing Councils to Do Their Work. Public Management. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu This article includes both theoretical and practical tools to strengthen the capacity of governing bodies.
- Nalbandian, J. (2008). Predicting the Future--Why Citizen Engagement is No Longer Optional. Public Management. This article makes the case that citizen engagement is an essential tool of contemporary governance and that legitimacy for local government professionals will in part depend upon them mastering the skills of engagement. A copy of this article is reprinted in The Journal of Kansas Civic Leadership Development.
- Nalbandian, J. (2008, Summer). Leading Local Governments in the 21st Century. Arizona City and Town (Arizona League of Municipalities), 10-13.
- Nalbandian, J., Keene, J., O'Neill, Jr., R., & Portillo, S. (2007). How Professionals Can Add Value to Their Communities and Organizations. Public Management. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu This article presents the results of a two-year ICMA sponsored project designed to identify the practices that distinguishes professional local government managers from others.
- Nalbandian, J., & Portillo, S. (2006). Council-Manager Relations: The Best in Public Management. Public Management. This issue of PM consists of a series of selected articles from PM dating back to its earliest issues. Each article includes a short commentary on its significance.
- Nalbandian, J. (2005). Pioneering the Future--A New Generation of Local Government Professionals. Public Management, 15-19. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu (Invited) Published by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA.) This article was prepared to accompany the launching of the Local Government Management Fellowship Program at ICMA.
- Nalbandian, J. (2000). The City Manager as Political Leader. Public Management. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu Lead article. This article provides a case study of a city manager involved in a major development project and the issues he confronted that challenged his sense of professionalism. Reprinted in the National Civic Review. Spring 2001.
- Nalbandian, J., & Oliver, J. (1999). City and Council Management as Community Building. Public Management, 20-22. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu
- Nalbandian, J. (1999, September). The Council-Staff Partnership: A Team in Service to the Community. Western City. Lead article. The basic concepts of my workshop on council-staff relationships appear here in very readable form
- Nalbandian, J. (1993). Enhancing the Political Health of Our Communities. Kansas Government Journal, 599.
- Nalbandian, J. (1992). How to be an Effective Council Member. Kansas Government Journal, 208-209.
- Nalbandian, J. (1987). The Evolution of Local Governance: A New Democracy. Public Management, 69, 2-5. (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J. (1977). Organizations and Individuals in Crisis: Coping with Change. Praxis. Published by the Graduate Program in Public Administration, University of Kansas
- Nalbandian, J. (2000). Babcock Place. Electronic Hallway Network, University of Washington. A case study
- Nalbandian, J., & Frederickson, H. G. (Eds.). (2002). The Future of Local Government Administration: The Hansell Symposium. In International City/County Management Association. Washington, DC.
- Nalbandian, J. (2002). The Future of City Management Education. In The Future of Local Government Administration: The Hansell Symposium. Washington, DC: International City/County Management Association.
- Nalbandian, J., & Maynard-Moody, S. (1989). Risk Taking by Public Managers. A monograph of proceedings of the National Academy of Public Administration meeting in Kansas City, Spring, 1988
- Llorens, Klingner, and Nalbandian. (2018) Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies (7th ed.). Taylor and Francis.
- Klingner, D., Nalbandian, J., & Llorens, J. (2010). Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies (6th ed.). Prentice Hall. Earlier edition reprinted into Spanish as La Administratracion del Personal Publico: Contextos y Estrategias. Mexico City: McGraw Hill Interamericana/UNAM/IAPEM/INAP/UAEMEX (2001); Reprinted in Chinese (2001); 6th edition in 2010. Selected as Public Human Resources Management book of the year by the Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Relations, American Society for Public Administration, 2002
- Nalbandian, J. (1991). Professionalism in Local Government: Transformations in Roles, Responsibilities and Values. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
- Nalbandian, J., & Davis, R. G. (Eds.). (1987). Reflections of Local Government Professionals. Department of Public Administration. Department of Public Administration, University of Kansas. With assistance of Sandra Lizarraga
- Nalbandian, J. (2012). Context, Challenge, Ethics, and Opportunity. In J. Marlowe & J. R. Bartle & W. B. Hildreth (Eds.), International City/County Management Green Book Series. Management Policies in Local Government Finance. Date Submitted: (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J., & Negron, S. (2008). Defining Facilitative Leadership: A View from Inside the Mayor’s Office in Lawrence, KS. In J. S. Svara (Ed.), Facilitative Leadership (2nd ed.). Based on my own experiences as mayor, this chapter provides an introspective yet analytical look at political leadership in council-manager local government. A version of this chapter is reprinted in The Journal of Kansas Civic Leadership Development. Fall 2009, Vol. 1, No. 2.
- Nalbandian, J. (2007). Professionals and the Conflicting Forces of Administrative Modernization and Civic Engagement. In R. Hambleton & J. S. Gross (Eds.), Governing Cities in a Global Era. Urban Innovation, Competition and Democratic Reform. New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Nalbandian, J. (1993). The Future of Professional Management. In E. Flentje (Ed.), Selected Solely Upon the Basis of Administrative Ability (pp. 131-139). Wichita State University. (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J. (1992). A New Professionalism in City Management. In R. B. Denhardt & W. H. Stewart (Eds.), Executive Leadership in the Public Service (pp. 137-152). Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
- Nalbandian, J. (1989). Professionalism in City Management: A New Beginning. In H. G. Frederickson (Ed.), Ideal and Practice in Council-Manager Government. Washington, DC: International City Management Association.
- Nalbandian, J. (1980). The Impact of Competence and Power on Educational Program Design. In E. Byrne & D. Wolfe (Eds.), Experiential Learning in Professional Education: A New Direction for Experiential Learning (pp. 57-65). Jossey Bass.
- O’Neill, Robert, Jr., and John Nalbandian (2018). Change, Complexity and Leadership Challenges. Public Administration Review. 78(2), 311-314. This piece summarizes the “gap” concept, presents the leadership challenges associated with the gap, and then briefly describes several leadership attributes necessary to deal with the challenges. (invited and refereed)
- Sylvia, C., Getha-Taylor, H., Hummert, R. G., & Nalbandian, J. (2013). Competency Model Design and Assessment: Findings and Future Directions. Journal of Public Administration Education, 19(1), 141-171. http://www.naspaa.org/jpaemessenger/Article/VOL19-1/10_Getha_Taylor_et_al.pdf
- Nalbandian, J., O'Neill, Jr., R., Wilkes, M., & Kaufman, A. (2013). Contemporary Trends in Local Government: Evolving Roles and Responsibilities, Structures, and Processes. Public Administration Review, 73(4), 567-575. (Invited and refereed). In this article we introduce the notion of the gap between political acceptability and administrative sustainability as the essential prerequisite to good governance. Included is identification of forces widening the gap and also the resulting leadership challenges.
- Nalbandian, J. (2006). Politics and Administration in Local Government. International Journal of Public Administration, 29, 1049-1063. (Invited) This article provides a nice summary of my work to 2006. It provides the intellectual base for a workshop I do on council-staff partnership.
- Nalbandian, J. (2005). Contemporary Professionals and the Conflicting Forces of Administrative Modernization and Civic Engagement. American Review of Public Administration, lead article (refereed). For me, this was an important article setting out contemporary themes. The content provides the intellectual base for the workshop I do on contemporary trends.
- Nalbandian, J., & Marlowe, J. (2005). Knowledge Work and Local Government: Insights from an Expert: Interview with Bob Kipp. State and Local Government Review, 37(3), 250-255.
- Nalbandian, J. (2004). Politics and Administration in Council-Manager Government: Differences between Newly Elected and Senior Council Members. Public Administration Review, 64(2), 200-208.(refereed) http://hdl.handle.net/1808/597 http://hdl.handle.net/1808/597 In this article I surveyed and then interviewed council members in the Kansas City area to see how their attitudes towards governing changed over time.
- Nalbandian, J., & Nalbandian, C. (2003). Meeting Today's Challenges: Competencies for the Contemporary Local Government Professional. Public Administration Review, 11-15. (Refereed) http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu
- Nalbandian, J., & Nalbandian, C. (2002). Contemporary Challenges in Local Government. Public Management, lead article. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu Reprinted in National Civic Review, spring 2003.
- Nalbandian, J., Klingner, D. E., & Romzek, B. S. (2002). Politics, Administration and Markets. American Review of Public Administration, 32, 117-144. (Refereed) Lead article. Also appears in Reforma y Democracia.
- Nalbandian, J. (1999). Facilitating Community, Enabling Democracy: New Roles for Local Government Managers. Public Administration Review, 59. (Refereed) http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu. Lead article. Reprinted in Balanoff, H. R. (Ed.), Public Administration: Annual Editions 01/02. Guilford, CT: McGraw Hill, 2001, pp. 45-54.
- Nalbandian, J. (1994). Reflections of a 'Pracademic' on the Logic of Politics and Administration. Public Administration Review, 54. (Refereed) Reprinted as "Politics, Administration and the City Manager," in Second Edition of Frederickson's Ideal and Practice in Council-Manager Government, Washington, DC: International City Management Association, 1995, pp. 84-96. Excerpted and reprinted in Virginia Town and City, published by the Virginia Municipal League, Vol 29, No. 7 (July 1994)
- Nalbandian, J. (1990). Tenets of Contemporary Professionalism in Local Government. Public Administration Review, 50, 654-663. (Refereed) Reprinted in Frederickson, Ideal and Practice in Council-Manager Government (2nd ed.), Washington, DC: International City Management Association, 1995, pp. 157-174.
- Nalbandian, J. (1989). The Contemporary Role of City Managers. American Review of Public Administration, 19, 261-278. (Refereed) Selected as ARPA best article in volume 19.
- Nalbandian, J. (1989). The Supreme Court's 'Consensus' on Affirmative Action. Public Administration Review, 49, 38-45. (Refereed) Reprinted in Banaloff (ed.). Annual Editions: Public Administration 1990-1991. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Company; reprinted in Denhardt and Barry (eds.). Public Administration in Action. Brooks/Cole, 1991.
- Nalbandian, J. (1988, January/February). Local Government Professionals under Stress: In Pursuit of Economic Development, Efficiency, and Equity. Public Administration Review, 48, 588-591. (Invited) An invited book review essay
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1987). Values and Conflict in Public Personnel Administration. Public Administration Quarterly, 11, 17-33. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J. (1985). Human Relations and Organizational Change: Responding to Loss. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 6, 29-43. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J., & Edwards, J. T. (1983). The Professional Values of Public Administration: A Comparison with Lawyers, Social Workers, and Business Administrators. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 4, 1-11. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1983). Human Resource Administration and Cutback Management: A Symposium Introduction. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 4, 114-127. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J., & Denhardt, R. B. (1982). Teaching Public Administration as a Vocation: A Calling for Theorists. Southern Review of Public Administration, 6, 151-162.
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1981). The Politics of Public Personnel Administration: Towards a Theoretical Understanding. Public Administration Review, 41, 541-549. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J., Edwards, J. T., & Wedel, K. (1981). Individual Values and Professional Education: Implications for Practice and Education. Administration and Society, 13, 123-143. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J. (1981). Performance Appraisal: If Only People Were Not Involved. Public Administration Review, 41, 392-396. (Refereed)
- Reprinted in Thompson, F. (ed.), Classics in Public Personnel Policy. Oak Park, IL: Moore Publishing Company, 1990
- Nalbandian, J. (1981). From Compliance to Consultation: The Changing Role of the Public Personnel Administrator. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 1, 37-51. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J. (1980). The Professional Public Administrator: Politician or Not? The Bureaucrat, 9, 38-41.
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1980). Integrating Context and Decision Strategy in Public Personnel Administration: A Contingency Theory Approach. Administration and Society, 12, 178-202. (Refereed)
- Nalbandian, J. (1980). The Hopes, Values and Fears of Public Administration Students. Public Management, 70, 21-22. (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J. (1980). Teaching Graduate Students in Public Administration: Confronting Student and Instructor Self-Doubts. Teaching Political Science, 7, 231-240.
- Nalbandian, J., & Klingner, D. E. (1978). Personnel Management by Whose Objectives. Public Administration Review, 38, 366-372. (Refereed)
- Reprinted as theoretical chapter in Klingner's Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies. Prentice Hall, 1980; Reprinted in Klingner (ed.), Public Personnel Management: Readings in Contexts and Strategies. Mayfield, 1981.
- Nalbandian, J. (2016, August). [Review of book Public Participation in 21st Century Democracy], Tina Nabatchi and Matt Leighninger. Public Integrity. Recognized by editors as book review of the year.
- Nalbandian, J. (2005, February). [Review of the book Collaborative Public Management: New Strategies for Local Government, Robert Agranoff and Michael McGuire]. Journal of Politics, 67(1), 283-285.
- Nalbandian, J. (2004). [Review of the book Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity, David Whyte]. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 24(1), 79-82.
- Nalbandian, J. (2003, December). [Review of the book Good to Great, Jim Collins]. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 23(4), 346-349.
- Nalbandian, J. (1998, October). A Framework for Change [Review of the book Changing Public Sector Values, Montgomery Van Wart]. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 8(4), 617-623.
- Nalbandian, J., & Maynard-Moody, S. (1986, March). [Review of the book Public Personnel Update, Michael Cohen and Robert Golembiewski (eds.)]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 31, 138-140.
- Nalbandian, J. (2016, January/February). High Performance Local Government: A Memorandum to Managers. Public Management.
- Nalbandian, J. (2013, November 17). Dallas Needs and Adaptive City Manager Not an Heroic One. Opinion Editorial published in the Dallas Morning News.
- Quirk, B., & Nalbandian, J. (2012). The Trust Deficit. Public Management, 94(August), 18. (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J., & O'Neill, B. (2009). Charter Reform: Ways to Think about It. Public Management, lead article. This article sets out various questions and the tradeoffs that should be considered when contemplating change in form of government. It was published to coincide with the Eldon Fields Colloquium at the 2009 International City/County Management Association's annual meeting.
- Nalbandian, J., & Novak, J. (2009). Preparing Councils to Do Their Work. Public Management. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu This article includes both theoretical and practical tools to strengthen the capacity of governing bodies.
- Nalbandian, J. (2008). Predicting the Future--Why Citizen Engagement is No Longer Optional. Public Management. This article makes the case that citizen engagement is an essential tool of contemporary governance and that legitimacy for local government professionals will in part depend upon them mastering the skills of engagement. A copy of this article is reprinted in The Journal of Kansas Civic Leadership Development.
- Nalbandian, J. (2008, Summer). Leading Local Governments in the 21st Century. Arizona City and Town (Arizona League of Municipalities), 10-13.
- Nalbandian, J., Keene, J., O'Neill, Jr., R., & Portillo, S. (2007). How Professionals Can Add Value to Their Communities and Organizations. Public Management. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu This article presents the results of a two-year ICMA sponsored project designed to identify the practices that distinguishes professional local government managers from others.
- Nalbandian, J., & Portillo, S. (2006). Council-Manager Relations: The Best in Public Management. Public Management. This issue of PM consists of a series of selected articles from PM dating back to its earliest issues. Each article includes a short commentary on its significance.
- Nalbandian, J. (2005). Pioneering the Future--A New Generation of Local Government Professionals. Public Management, 15-19. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu (Invited) Published by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA.) This article was prepared to accompany the launching of the Local Government Management Fellowship Program at ICMA.
- Nalbandian, J. (2000). The City Manager as Political Leader. Public Management. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu Lead article. This article provides a case study of a city manager involved in a major development project and the issues he confronted that challenged his sense of professionalism. Reprinted in the National Civic Review. Spring 2001.
- Nalbandian, J., & Oliver, J. (1999). City and Council Management as Community Building. Public Management, 20-22. http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu
- Nalbandian, J. (1999, September). The Council-Staff Partnership: A Team in Service to the Community. Western City. Lead article. The basic concepts of my workshop on council-staff relationships appear here in very readable form
- Nalbandian, J. (1993). Enhancing the Political Health of Our Communities. Kansas Government Journal, 599.
- Nalbandian, J. (1992). How to be an Effective Council Member. Kansas Government Journal, 208-209.
- Nalbandian, J. (1987). The Evolution of Local Governance: A New Democracy. Public Management, 69, 2-5. (Invited)
- Nalbandian, J. (1977). Organizations and Individuals in Crisis: Coping with Change. Praxis. Published by the Graduate Program in Public Administration, University of Kansas
- Nalbandian, J. (2000). Babcock Place. Electronic Hallway Network, University of Washington. A case study
- Nalbandian, J., & Frederickson, H. G. (Eds.). (2002). The Future of Local Government Administration: The Hansell Symposium. In International City/County Management Association. Washington, DC.
- Nalbandian, J. (2002). The Future of City Management Education. In The Future of Local Government Administration: The Hansell Symposium. Washington, DC: International City/County Management Association.
- Nalbandian, J., & Maynard-Moody, S. (1989). Risk Taking by Public Managers. A monograph of proceedings of the National Academy of Public Administration meeting in Kansas City, Spring, 1988
- Nalbandian, John, Gaggero, Jaime, Ingmire, Megan, McHardie, Angela, Thompson, Maggie, and Goodyear, Marilu, "Developing Learning Outcomes for the University of Kansas MPA Program," Presented at NASPAA annual conference, Minneapolis, MN. (Fall 2006).
- Nalbandian, John, Keene, James, O'Neill, Robert, Jr., Portillo, Shannon, and Svara, James H., "How Local Government Professionals Add Value to Their Communities and Organizations," Presented at ICMA national conference, San Antonio, TX. (September 2006).
- Nalbandian, John, "Trends in Doctoral Education," Presented at NASPAA annual conference, Indianapolis, IN. (Fall 2004).
- Nalbandian, John, "Contemporary Trends in Local Government," Presented in Chicago at the City Futures Conference sponsored by the Center for Urban Planning and Public Administration at the University of Illinois-Chicago. (July 8, 2004 - July 11, 2004). Selected as one of 10 from 160 papers for inclusion in a report to the Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Nalbandian, John, "The Future of Professionalism in Local Government," Presented for Albert A. Levin Lecture Series, Cleveland State University. (Spring 1993).
- Nalbandian, John, "The Contemporary Role of the City Manager," A paper presented at the National Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Miami, FL. (April 1989).
- Nalbandian, John, "Professionalism in City Management: A New Beginning," Prepared for a "Conference on the Study of City Management," University of Kansas. (November 1988).
- Nalbandian, John, "Traditional Commitments and Renewed Directions in Public Administration Theory," A paper presented at the National Conference of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA. (September 1985).
- Nalbandian, John, "Professional Values and City Management Education," A paper presented at the National Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Indianapolis, IN. (March 1985).
- Nalbandian, John, and Klingner, Donald E., "Public Personnel Management: A Values Perspective," A paper presented at the National Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Denver, CO. (April 1984).
- Nalbandian, John, "Human Relations and Organizational Change: Responding to Loss," A paper presented at the National Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, New York. (April 1983).
- Nalbandian, John, "The Punishing Process of Learning from Experience," A paper presented at the 6th Annual Teaching Public Administration Conference, Miami, FL. (March 1983).
- Nalbandian, John, "Experiential Learning in Public Administration Education," A paper presented at National Meeting of the American Society for public Administration, Honolulu, HI. (March 1982).
- Nalbandian, John, "The Training Paradox: Those who Need It, Don't Want It," A paper presented at the Regional Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, Wichita, KS. (October 1981).
- Nalbandian, John, and Klingner, Donald E., "The Influence of Judicial Due Process on Bureaucratic Effectiveness," A paper given at the National Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, Detroit, MI. (April 1981).
- Nalbandian, John, "The Influence of Unconscious Psychological Factors on Organizational Structure," A paper given at the National Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, Detroit, MI. (April 1981).
- Nalbandian, John, and Denhardt, Robert B., "Teaching Public Administration as a Vocation," A paper given at the National Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, San Francisco, CA. (April 1980). Also presented at Third National Meeting of Conference on Teaching Public Administration, Olympia, WA (May, 1980).
- Nalbandian, John, "From Compliance to Consultation: The Changing Role of the Public Personnel Administrator," A paper given at the National Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, San Francisco, CA. (April 1980).
- Nalbandian, John, and Edwards, J. Terry, "Public Administration Values," A co-authored paper presented by J. Terry Edwards at National Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, Baltimore, MD. (April 1979). Progress on this research also reported at Regional ASPA meeting, Des Moines, October, 1978 and at Kansas-Missouri meeting of Political Scientists in October, 1978, Kansas City
- Nalbandian, John, "Decision Strategies and Contexts in Personnel Administration," A paper given at Annual Meeting of American Society for Public Administration, Phoenix, AZ. (April 1978).
- Nalbandian, John, "Impact of Competence and Power on Educational Program Design," Invited paper given at Conference on Programmatic Uses of Experiential Learning in Professional Education, sponsored by Southern Methodist University, School of Business, Dallas, TX. (May 1978).
- Nalbandian, John, "Teaching Pre-Service MPA Students: Student and Instructor Anxiety Meet," A paper given at Conference on Teaching of Public Administration, sponsored by School of Administration, University of Missouri-Kansas City and the University of Southern California, Washington Public Affairs Center, Kansas City, MO. (April 1978).
- Nalbandian, John, Brooks, Scott, Edwards, J. Terry, and Wedel, Kenneth, "Professional Values: A Comparison of Graduate Students in Four Professional Programs," A paper given at National Meeting of American Society for Public Administration, Atlanta, GA. (April 1977). Revised version abstracted in Career Development Bulletin (Vol 1, No. 3, 1979), Center for Career Development, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
- Nalbandian, John, "Personnel Administration by Whose Objectives," A paper given at National Meeting of American Society for Public Administration, Atlanta, GA. (April 1977).
University of Kansas
Dissertation Committee Chair
Susan Keim, PHD, "Leadership, Followership, and Civic Engagement," Completed 2013.
- 24 graduate students preparing for careers in city management advised as Intern Option Faculty Advisor in MPA program. (1983-2015)
- University of Kansas
- Human Resources Management
- MPA Professional Development Seminars
- Collaborative Leadership and Citizen Engagement
- Infra-Structure Management
Management/Executive Development
- Faculty resource, Executive Local Government Leadership Program, Dalhousie University, Canada, Spring, 2017 and 2018
- Webinar presenter. Contemporary Trends in Local Government. Sponsored by ICMA. Spring 2015).
- Webinar presenter. Politics and Administration in Local Government. Sponsored by the Emerging Leaders Management Group, Oregon. (October, 2013).
- Three person webinar on Elected Official and City Staff relationships, California-ICMA. (February 27, 2013).
- With Charles Jones, provided academic guidance to America Leaders of Change program, National Urban Fellows. (2010-2012).
- 2018 – Cary, North Carolina, city council and staff; Raleigh, NC with Michelle Ferguson; Brighton, CO with Julia Novak; Roswell, GA with Julia Novak; Phoenix, AZ, senior staff; Clayton, MO city council and staff with Julia Novak; O’Fallon, Illinois; Santa Clara, CA senior staff, management team, and council (with Jan Perkins)
- 2017 – University Park, TX, City Council; Palo Alto City Council (with Julia Novak www.thenovakconsultinggroup.com), Clayton, MO, City Council (with Julia Novak); Westminster, CO, city council (With Julia Novak)
- 2016 – Littleton, CO, city council; Gardner, KS, city council; El Dorado, KS, city council; Raleigh, NC, city staff; Warrensburg, MO, city council and staff; Chapel Hill, NC city staff ; Fauquier County, VA, county and area city staff; Hermosa Beach, CA, city council
- 2015 – Manhattan Beach, CA city council; ; City of Phoenix senior staff; City of Paradise Valley, Arizona, city council and staff; City of Fremont, CA, city council; Coffeyville, KS, city council; Gardner, KS city council; Raymore, MO city council
- 2014 – Gardner, KS city council and senior staff; Manhattan Beach, CA city council; City Council and Senior Staff, El Dorado, KS, Consultant, El Dorado, Kansas. (September 14, 2013). Workshop on form of government, values, and relationships between council and staff and within the council itself.
- 2018 – Missouri City/County Management Association (Opening Plenary); Illinois City/County Management Association (Opening Plenary); Virginia Government Finance Officers Association; Society for Local Government Managers, Alberta, Canada
- 2017 – Strathcona County, Alberta, Canada, council orientation forthcoming; Olathe, Kansas, Fire Department; York County, Virginia staff; ICMA Leadership Institute workshop organizer “Immigration and Community Building:” Overland Park, KS Leadership Forum; City council orientation, McKinney, TX; City senior staff, Sugarland and Pearland, TX; Regional meeting of Texas City Management Association, Houston; Newport News regional workshop sponsored by Virginia Tech; Public Executive Institute, U. Texas; Public Executive Leadership Academy, University of North Carolina; Senior Executive Institute, University of Virginia; Senior Executive Institute/ICMA, University of Virginia; Emerging Leaders Academy (spring and fall), Public Management Center, University of Kansas
- 2016 – Featured speaker, ICMA national conference, Kansas City; Ohio City/County Management Association; ICMA/SEI Institute; Public Executive Institute, University of Texas, Public Executive Leadership Academy, University of North Carolina, Public Executive Leadership Academy; Senior Executive Institute, University of Virginia; Fredericksburg and Abingdon, VA sponsored by Virginia Tech; Core 4 annual conference, KC/JOCO/Wyandotte/Jackson counties, Kansas and Missouri; Virginia Tech Certificate in Local Government conference, Roanoke, VA
- 2015 – Colorado City Management Association; San Benito County, CA; Utah City Management Association; Public Executive Institute, University of Texas; California League of Municipalities; University of Virginia, Senior Executive Institute; ICMA/SEI Institute; Public Executive Leadership Academy, University of North Carolina; North Carolina Budgeting Association; Utah League of Municipalities; ICMA Leadership Institute
- 2014 – Mid America Regional Council; Texas Municipal League; Virginia Tech University; University of North Carolina; Bellevue, WA; Senior Executive Institute, University of Virginia; Goddard, KS; Procurement Association of Midwest; ICMA Leadership Institute
University of Kansas
- Chair
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Committee to Review Strategic Planning Process. (Spring 2004)
- Investigative committee on Scholarly/Scientific Misconduct. (Summer 2002)
- Convener
- Kansas University Annual Conference for City Managers. (1998-2008)
- Kansas University Annual Conference for City Managers. (1987-1988)
- Counselor
- Affirmative Action Counselor. (1977-1978)
- Member
- Baumgartel Peace and Justice Award Committee. (2004-2006)
- Committee to design survey for review of deans. (Fall 2004)
- Provost Search Committee. (1996)
- University Task Force on AIDS. (Fall 1987)
- Faculty Senate Committee on Collective Bargaining. (Fall 1986)
- Subcommittee on Community Planning, University Task Force on Economic Development. (Fall 1986)
University of Kansas
- School of Public Affairs & Administration
Competencies Committee. (2012-2015)
- Department of Public Administration
Chair, 1983-1988; 2002-2007
Board Member
- National Urban Fellows Foundation. (1995-1999)
- American Society for Public Administration, Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Relations. 1980-1981, 1983-1986. (1980-1986)
Past Service on Editorial Boards
- State and Local Government Review; American Review of Public Administration; Public Productivity Review; Administration and Society; Public Integrity; Journal of Public Administration Education; Review of Public Personnel Administration. Public Administration Review.
- Co-Host and Co-Master of Ceremonies
Alliance for Innovation, Transforming Local Government, Annual Conference, Kansas City. (2012)
- Convener
National Forum for Black Public Administrators, Executive Leadership Institute, University of Kansas (2006 - present)
- State
- Convener
Florida City/County Management Association, Orlando, FL. Served as convener/master of ceremonies and presenter. (Winter 2012)
- Service - Other Levels
- Co-Chair: Evaluation Committee, KC Rising, Multi-sector eco devo initiative, 2016-present
- Chair
- National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Local Government Management Fellowship Advisory Committee. (Sponsored jointly by ICMA-NASPAA-NFBPA-International Hispanic Network). (2003-2006)
- National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Committee on Urban Management Education. (2000-2002)
- National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Committee on Curriculum Innovation. (2000)
- National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Committee on Internships. (2000)
- American Society for Public Administration, PAR LaVerne Burchfield Award Committee. (1987)
- Electronic Hallway Advisory Committee, University of Washington. (2004-2006)
- Co-founder and initial conference convener
- Mid-America Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Kansas City. (1984)
- Conference convener
- Mid-America Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Lawrence, KS. (February 1987)
- Public Policy and the Regulation of Human Resource Management. (1981)
- Convener
- KU City Management Conference. (1983-1988 and 2000 – 2011 except 2009)
- International City/County Management Association. Project determining added value of professional management, with Shannon Portillo. (2004-2006)
- Competency Summit, University of Kansas. Four state region MPA directors convene to discuss "Outcomes-based MPA Education. (2005)
- Curriculum Director
- Leadership Academy for Local Government Executives. co-sponsored by Mid America Regional Council and the University of Kansas. (2001 - Present)
- Executive Board Member
- American Society for Public Administration, Section on Public Administration Education. (1982-1985)
- Facilitator and advisory board member
- Forum for Innovation, at All America Cities Conference, Kansas City. (2010)
- Member
- International City/County Management Association, ICMA strategic planning committee. (2006-2008)
- National Academy of Public Administration, Public Service Awards Committee. (2006-2007)
- National Civic League, Model Cities Charter Committee. (2001-2003)
- National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Committee on MPA standards. (2000); Task Force on Recognition. (2000)
- International City Management Association Task Force on the Future of Council-Manager Government. (1993-1994)
- American Society for Public Administration, PAR Frederick Mosher Award Committee. (1988)
- National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Executive Council. (1984-1987)
- American Society for Public Administration, PAR Dwight Waldo Award Committee. (1986)
- National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, National Conference Program Committee. (1986)
- American Society for Public Administration, Professional Standards and Ethics Committee. (1978-1981)
- President
- American Society for Public Administration, Kansas Chapter. (August 1981); Vice President, (1980-1981)
- Program Chairman
- American Society for Public Administration, Region VII Conference. (1979)
- Resource Leader
- Heart of America Cluster, Presidential Management Intern Program. (1980-1981)
- Track Coordinator
- American Society for Public Administration, National Conference Program Committee, Public Administration Education Track. (1983)
- Resource Leader
Board Member, Parks and Recreation, City of Lawrence (2019-present)
Board Member, Watkins Museum of History, Lawrence, KS (2017-present)
Co-chair, metrics committee, KC Rising (eco devo initiative in KC region (2018-present)
Board Member, Willow Domestic Violence Center. (2009-2013)
President, Board of Directors, Willow Domestic Violence Center, 2013-2014)
President, Lawrence, Kansas, Library Board. (2006-2008)
Member, Lawrence, Kansas, Library Board Foundation. (2003-2008)
Member, Lawrence, Kansas, Library Board. (2000-2008)
Member, Lawrence City Council, Elected 1991-1995; re-elected 1995-1999
Mayor, Lawrence City Council. (1993-1994; 1996-1997)
Member, League of Kansas Municipalities governing board. (1991-1994)
Facilitator of merger between Heartland and Health Care Access organizations, Lawrence, 2017
Heartland and Douglas County Dental Clinic (2018)
Facilitate board strategic planning: Free State Brewery, Lawrence, KS (2014)
Goal setting: Willow Domestic Violence Center, Lawrence, KS (2014 and 2016), and
Plymouth Congregational Church, Lawrence, KS (2016-2017)
Volunteer, Senior Health Insurance Counselor for Kansas (Advisor to Medicare recipients). (2009-2011)